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Cousins in the Country

This weekend my cousin Becca and her son Theodore came up for a visit.  It was really neat to see Teddy all grown up at almost 11 months, and having a baby in the house was good training for me, Abe, Lily and Paws. Ted is incredibly happy and good natured so he makes having a baby look really fun, but we still all got a taste of the good, the difficult, and the exhausting.

I was so insanely proud of little Lily.  She's a really sweet dog, but can get a little sassy. We've been nervous about how she will react when our baby is born in November, but this weekend she proved that she's ready to become a big sister.  Teddy was in LOVE with Lily and couldn't keep his hands (or entire body) off of her.  Lily took all his affection like a champ and didn't get upset when Ted's little baby hands grabbed a handful of fur or whacked her in the nose. All her patience was rewarded by the piles of Cheerios underneath Teddy's highchair and lots of baby face licking.


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