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Red Sox Fever

For Father's Day I look my dad to a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. I hadn't been there since I was a little kid so it was super exciting. I forgot how small the park is compared to all the other stadiums (especially compared to Yankee and Shea, which are the only ones I've been to as an adult).

I had a little trouble with the bartender on Yawkey Way when I showed my NY license. My dad explained that I am Massachusetts bred and still a Sox fan and bartender smiled and put out his fist for me to bump.

We dranks some beers, wandered around the park, cheered on Manny and Ortiz, and ate Cuban sandwiches. I think the highlight of the day was when my dad spotted Luis Tiant hanging in from the Cuban sandwich counter, El Tiante, which is named after him. My dad said hello and I took a picture of them together.

All in all it was a pretty great Father's Day. The Red Sox won 1-0, Barry Bonds didn't hit a home run towards breaking the record, we met El Tiante, and we left the game just in time to beat all the traffic on the Mass Pike.

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