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A Great Time for All

Thursday night we went to the Dave Hill Explosion at UCB Theater. It was one of the best shows I've seen on his and I've seen almost all of them since his first one in Siberia's basement (if you watch his "reel" you can even see me in the audience clapping back when I had my favorite haircut). His guests on this show were Amy Sedaris and Bob Mould. I freaking love Amy Sedaris so I was pretty psyched. Everyone was super funny and it was a good time. Afterwards we went to The Half King and ate a dish called Hell Fries, which were amazing. Piper ordered mac 'n cheese and it turned out to be a weird pasta dish we called "Nacho Mac 'n Cheese". It was soupy elbow noodles in a cheese sauce served with a dollop of sour cream and covered in scallions.

Funny-man Dave Hill

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    Response: Tiffany Milano
    Hi, this essay is despite the small, but rich in content. Reverie verbiage. If you want to see details:Tiffany Milano

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